Observed Holiday in 2006



January 2nd - Monday International New Year Cam. & US
9th - Monday Victory Day over Genocidal Regime Cambodia
16th - Monday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday US
February 13th - Monday Meak Bochea Cambodia
20th - Monday President's Day US
March 8th - Wednesday International Women's Day Cambodia
April 14th - 17th
(Friday - Monday)
Cambodia New Year's Day Cambodia
May 1st - Monday International Labor Day Cambodia
12th - Friday Visak Bochea
15th - Monday King's Birthday
16th - Tuesday Royal Plowing Festival
29th - Monday Memorial Day US
June 19th - Monday Former Queen's Birthday Cambodia
July 4th - Tuesday Independence Day US
September 4th - Monday Labor Day US
Pchm Ben Cambodia
25th - Monday Constitution Day
October 9th - Monday Columbus Day US
30th - Monday Coronation Day Cambodia
31st - Tuesday Former King's Birthday
November 6th-7th
Water Festival Cambodia
9th - Thursday Independence Day
10th - Friday Veteran's Day US
23rd - Thursday Thanksgiving Day
December 11th - Monday International Human Right's Day Cambodia
25th - Monday Christmas's Day US



If the holiday is on the weekend (Saturday or Sunday), the holiday will continue one day on the next day .In case two holiday are on Saturday or Sunday ,the holiday will continue one day only on the next day.

Thank you



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